69coin Project
69coin is under support from KhmerCrypto team is collective of crypto coin users (bitcoin and other altcoins users), aim to legally register and follow government law. it is created to response the needed to Human Resources related to develop Blockchain technology in Cambodia and the world. KhmerCrypto Team is the first group that encourage IT students and users to enhance their knowledge on blockchain and ready to help government when they are needed.
made the
system enables payments to be sent between users without passing
through a central authority, such as a bank or payment gateway. It is
created and held electronically. 69coins
aren't printed, like dollars or euros – they're produced by
computers all around the world, using free software.
libraries known as blockchain, which allow to use digital currency
such as bitcoin but provide greater protection and authentication for
the transmission of digital assets and currencies. Based on open
source software, this technology claims to be strong in preventing
cybercriminals by creating a management book that is recorded by
individuals or entities that access the network.
25 April, 2017 The National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) signed an
agreement with a Japanese firm to develop the blockchain-based
payment system that could potentially allow for the regulated usage
of a cryptocurrency, which would eliminate the use of formal
financial institutions to send and receive money.
Ref: 69coin.net
Ref: 69coin.net