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PIC Microcontroller Based Electronic Lock

 Circuit Diagram

Security is a prime concern in our day-today life. Everyone wants to be as much secure as possible. An access control for doors forms a vital link in a security chain. The microcontroller based digital lock for Doors is an access control system that allows only authorized persons to access a restricted area.
An electronic lock or digital lock is a device which has an electronic control assembly attached to it. They are provided with an access control system. This system allows the user to unlock the device with a password. The password is entered by making use of a keypad. The user can also set his password to ensure better protection. The major components include a Keypad, LCD and the controller PIC16F877A. This article describes the making of an electronic code lock using the 16F877A microcontroller.
The system is fully controlled by the 8 bit microcontroller 16F877A which has a 8Kbytes of ROM for the program memory. The password is stored in the EPROM so that we can change it at any time. The system has a Keypad by which the password can be entered through it. When the entered password equals with the password stored in the memory then the relay gets on and so that the door is opened.
The code is built in a modular style to allow a user to find ways to modify  project. In start the D Lock programs loads with a default code of "2345" format is *2345# which can be enter to unlock the door, the code cam be change by entering the master code in the format *23455#new 4 digit code.  In this program i only display the result on LCD and lock will be  placed at   PORTA bit 0 where i put led for simulation. 
A 4x3 matrix keypad and a 16x2 LCD have been used here. Keypad and LCD are very commonly used input & output devices, respectively. The password is stored in the system EEPROM.
While unlocking, if the entered password from keypad matches with the stored password, then the lock opens and a message is displayed on LCD. Also an output pin is made high to be used for further purpose..
As the program starts, wait for 5sec and press * string ‘Enter Password’ is displayed on LCD. The keypad is scanned for pressed digits one by one. Every time, row and column of the key pressed is detected and is displayed on LCD. After the four digits are entered, the user should press # to Confirm Password and again the input is taken through LCD. If the passwords do not match, a message is displayed to indicate ‘Access Denied’ otherwise the ‘Access Granted’ message.
The default password is 2345 and master key to change password is 23455., entry begins with * and stops with #.

Update 28-8-2013

 1. Here two circuit are provided, the smaller one works only for 

simulation and the larger one works only    in real world( Problem

with Pull Down resistors)

2. Due to frequent Requests I have Uploaded the HEX(8Mhz Crystal) file of these project in Our Facebook Group-Click Here



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Arduino and the MAX7219 LED Display Driver IC

Before continuing, download and install the LedControl Arduino library as it is essential for using the MAX7219.
Controlling LED matrix displays with the MAX7219
First of all, let’s examine the hardware side of things. Here is the pinout diagram for the MAX7219:

MAX7219 pinout
The MAX7219 drives eight LEDs at a time, and by rapidly switching banks of eight your eyes don’t see the changes. Wiring up a matrix is very simple – if you have a common matrix with the following schematic:
LED matrix pinoutsconnect the MAX7219 pins labelled DP, A~F to the row pins respectively, and the MAX7219 pins labelled DIG0~7 to the column pins respectively. A total example circuit with the above matrix  is as follows:
MAX7219 example LED matrix circuit
The circuit is quite straight forward, except we have a resistor between 5V and MAX7219 pin 18. The MAX7219 is a constant-current LED driver, and the value of the resistor is used to set the current flow to the LEDs. Have a look at table eleven on page eleven of the data sheet:
MAX7219 resistor tableYou’ll need to know the voltage and forward current for your LED matrix or numeric display, then match the value on the table. E.g. if you have a 2V 20 mA LED, your resistor value will be 28kΩ (the values are in kΩ). Finally, the MAX7219 serial in, load and clock pins will go to Arduino digital pins which are specified in the sketch. We’ll get to that in the moment, but before that let’s return to the matrix modules.
At the top is an example from ebay, and the pair on the bottom are the units from a recent kit review. We’ll use these for our demonstrations as well.
Now for the sketch. You need the following two lines at the beginning of the sketch:
The first pulls in the library, and the second line sets up an instance to control. The four parameters are as follows:
  1. the digital pin connected to pin 1 of the MAX7219 (“data in”)
  2. the digital pin connected to pin 13 of the MAX7219 (“CLK or clock”)
  3. the digital pin connected to pin 12 of the MAX7219 (“LOAD”)
  4. The number of MAX7219s connected.
If you have more than one MAX7219, connect the DOUT (“data out”) pin of the first MAX7219 to pin 1 of the second, and so on. However the CLK and LOAD pins are all connected in parallel and then back to the Arduino.
Next, two more vital functions that you’d normally put in void setup():
The first line above turns the LEDs connected to the MAX7219 on. If you set TRUE, you can send data to the MAX7219 but the LEDs will stay off. The second line adjusts the brightness of the LEDs in sixteen stages. For both of those functions (and all others from the LedControl) the first parameter is the number of the MAX7219 connected. If you have one, the parameter is zero… for two MAX7219s, it’s 1 and so on.
Finally, to turn an individual LED in the matrix on or off, use:
which turns on an LED positioned at col, row connected to MAX7219 #1. Change TRUE to FALSE to turn it off. These functions are demonstrated in the following sketch:
And a quick video of the results:
How about controlling two MAX7219s? Or more? The hardware modifications are easy – connect the serial data out pin from your first MAX7219 to the data in pin on the second (and so on), and the LOAD and CLOCK pins from the first MAX7219 connect to the second (and so on). You will of course still need the 5V, GND, resistor, capacitors etc. for the second and subsequent MAX7219.
You will also need to make a few changes in your sketch. The first is to tell it how many MAX7219s you’re using in the following line:
by replacing X with the quantity. Then whenever you’re using  a MAX7219 function, replace the (previously used) zero with the number of the MAX7219 you wish to address. They are numbered from zero upwards, with the MAX7219 directly connected to the Arduino as unit zero, then one etc. To demonstrate this, we replicate the previous example but with two MAX7219s:
And again, a quick demonstration:
Another fun use of the MAX7219 and LED matrices is to display scrolling text. For the case of simplicity we’ll use the LedControl library and the two LED matrix modules from the previous examples.
First our example sketch – it is quite long however most of this is due to defining the characters for each letter of the alphabet and so on. We’ll explain it at the other end!
The pertinent parts are at the top of the sketch – the following line sets the number of MAX7219s in the hardware:
The following can be adjusted to change the speed of text scrolling:
… then place the text to scroll in the following (for example):
Finally – to scroll the text on demand, use the following:
You can then incorporate the code into your own sketches. And a video of the example sketch in action:
Although we used the LedControl library, there are many others out there for scrolling text. One interesting example is Parola  – which is incredibly customisable. If you’re looking for a much larger device to scroll text, check out the Freetronics DMD range.
Controlling LED numeric displays with the MAX7219
Using the MAX7219 and the LedControl library you can also drive numeric LED displays – up to eight digits from the one MAX7219. This gives you the ability to make various numeric displays that are clear to read and easy to control. When shopping around for numeric LED displays, make sure you have the common-cathode type.
Connecting numeric displays is quite simple, consider the following schematic which should appear familiar by now:
MAX7219 7-segment schematic
The schematic shows the connections for modules or groups of up to eight digits. Each digit’s A~F and dp (decimal point) anodes connect together to the MAX7219, and each digit’s cathode connects in order as well. The MAX7219 will display each digit in turn by using one cathode at a time. Of course if you want more than eight digits, connect another MAX7219 just as we did with the LED matrices previously.
The required code in the sketch is identical to the LED matrix code, however to display individual digits we use:
where A is the MAX7219 we’re using, B is the digit to use (from a possible 0 to 7), C is the digit to display (0~9… if you use 10~15 it will display A~F respectively) and D is false/true (digit on or off). You can also send basic characters such as a dash “-” with the following:
Now let’s put together an example of eight digits:
and the sketch in action: